Monday, June 20, 2011

How important are grades for you?

Hey Guys!

These last days I have been talking to some people regarding the importance of our grades and how they will affect our future lifes!

It is very funny in how teachers and schools said "Oh, dont worry about your grade you are here to learn" ... So my question is: Why there is GPA minimum to get into the university??? Why there are grades if we dont have to worry about them???

Another funny comment I have hear is "B+ is a good grade you should be proud". Good grade? how good? because with a B+ average I cannot get into any good MBA...

Check out this link because it is very interesting essay ! Does grades really matter??

How about how grades work?

For instance how can you grade art without being subjective? grading based in effort? So one guy who have work for 10 hours in a paint and Picasso did same in 1 min.. One get A and Picasso F.. Who is better artist?

This link explain how works art grading. Even this link is very helpful it raise a lot of different questions.. that comes to subjectivity grading..

I would like people share their experiences and their concerns regarding this issues..

Also it could be interesting in how you guys want to be grade in this Class SP711! Since we hare a MOOC class and we all have very different backgrouds

how can we make it fair to everyone??

Be free!



  1. I really liked your blog post! Grading system can never be fair as long as person grades on others...

  2. footnote: I shouldn't say 'grave' because it sounds too morbid!

    I meant to say: it will last you a long and healthy prosperous life!

  3. Stella, have you been tipping the Mint Juleps again? It looks as though your comment got truncated. Or I am I reading it backwards?
