Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wellcome WORLD!!!

First of all thank you so much for checking my blog!

This blog is gonna be based on the MOOC class that I am taking with my "freedom" teacher Ottopaertz! It have been an amazing journey so far and we are fighting against the system to share our knowledge with all of you!

Soon I will start posting my stories and my feelings using digital technology!

Please feel free to conect to me on twitter or facebook  I AM YAMA SAVINI!


Thank you all of you,

Be free


1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the internet Yamasavini. I didn't realize it until I read your welcome message: yes, this is about freedom in a very real way.

    Thanks for bringing it in to such clear focus.

    I'm looking forward to the awesomeness you and the SP711 crew are going to bring.
